When you hold this striking 16" gunning
decoy in your hands you are transported back 50 or 75 years to the era of hand
crafted wooden duck decoys hand painted with replicating the era. Yet it you think this beauty is going to cost you
performance on the marsh you are wrong! We chiseled out the material from the
bottom to keep the weight down to about 1.75 lbs each. The resulting concave
bottom has proven to ride solid in fair winds or high seas. The standard wood keel
is notched to accept a lead strap should the decoy owner desire a self righting
bird. Yes, that's our Logo proudly burned onto the side of each keel.
very lightweight type of kiln dried bass wood is coated with linseed oil as a
preservative and for the hand brushed oil paints to be absorbed deep into the
wood grain. In addition to ruggedizing the finish this technique results in a
most realistic "feather sheen". Properly set glass eyes complete the
traditional, yet realistic look. Three different poses are available painted as
hens or drakes. Pricing is by individual, 6 packs or dozens.
Video & photos coming soon