Products 13-24 of 24
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Greenwing -
Green Wing teal are the smallest North American waterfowl. Our heads are larger than lifesize yet might look best on the 11" long Herters model 63 puddler body rather than the 16" long model 72.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Harlequin -
Widgeon are an interesting paradox, a puddle duck that often keeps company with diving ducks. They love to feed on submerged vegetation like sago & celery and rely on the divers to bring it up from the depths. In any case if you have widgeon in your hunting area these decoys are a nice addition to add some color to either a mallard rig or a diver rig. Autumn Wings widgeon are versatile decoys and may be used in a variety of applications hunting small water and big water.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Mallard -
Since Mallards are the most popular decoy and are used extensively in every flyway and hunting scenario, we offer the most size options and poses of any of our species. Variety adds realism that can prove deadly to decoy shy birds. Nothing conveys alarm more effectively than a spread of decoys all at the alert pose and pointed into the wind as if to take flight. Each of these decoy heads is hand carved from a very light kiln-dried basswood. Linseed oil is applied as a preservative followed by...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Old Squaw -
The Old Squaw Duck is one of the deepest diving ducks, and can dive as deep as 60 meters (200 feet) to forage for food. They feed primarily on aquatic invertebrates, including insects and crustaceans. Also some bivalves, fish, fish eggs, and plant matter.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Pintail -
This elegant puddle duck with lots of white showing on the drake is a welcome visitor to most hunters decoy spread. Found in every flyway yet plentiful in only certain locations, it makes a highly visible addition to your rig. Each of these decoy heads is hand carved from a very light kiln-dried basswood. Linseed oil is applied as a preservative followed by oil paints hand brushed with color blending and feather effects. The linseed oil draws the paint deep into the wood fibers enhancing...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Redhead -
The trusting Redhead is very susceptible to a well executed diver decoy spread. The relatively large size of a male redhead and it's gray back contrasts nicely with the more common bluebill diver decoy. Our redhead drake head includes the distinctive yellow eyes on the drake and warm brown of the hen. Standard drake (unpainted) , hen (unpainted), versions are offered. Each of these decoy heads is hand carved from a very light kiln-dried basswood. Linseed oil is applied as a preservative...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Ringneck -
This cocky diver with the rear-facing head crest is the mainstay of our Mississippi Flyway diver shooting, especially these days with the declining population and lower bag limits for Bluebills. They nest locally in the forested lake region of Minnesota and north into Canada providing us shooting from opening day until ice-up and then on down the flyway to wintering grounds in the deep south.My hunting buddies and myself felt intuitively that good Ringneck duck decoys would be more effective...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Scoter -
A black-and-white seaduck common on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts in winter, the Surf Scoter has a boldly patterned head that is the basis for its colloquial name "skunk-headed coot."
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-SU -
The aptly named Shoveler has a shovel-shaped bill that quickly sets it apart from other dabbling ducks. It is a medium-sized duck that tends to sit with its rear a bit higher out of the water almost like its bill is pulling its front half down.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Widgeon -
Widgeon are an interesting paradox, a puddle duck that often keeps company with diving ducks. They love to feed on submerged vegetation like sago & celery and rely on the divers to bring it up from the depths. In any case if you have widgeon in your hunting area these decoys are a nice addition to add some color to either a mallard rig or a diver rig. Autumn Wings widgeon are versatile decoys and may be used in a variety of applications hunting small water and big water.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: HD-Woodduck -
Wood Ducks add a touch of elegance to a decoy spread. Beautiful in flight, sitting on a branch, or swimming wood ducks are a welcome addition to a hunters bag. They look for secluded back waters and prefer wooded covers such as river bottoms and small ponds. Found all across North America but most numerous in the Mississippi and Atlantic flyways. Our "woodies" are close to life size and look as terrific on the mantel as they do in the water.
Availability: Back Order
Item #: Inserts -
Our threaded inserts make it easy to attached these replacement decoy heads to various decoy bodies. Outside is course thread, inside is a 1/4-20" thread to accept a standard 1/4" eye bolt. Please click here for our simple instructions on how to use the threaded insert to attach your Autumn Wings replacement decoy head to the decoy body.